11 Feb Yoga classes @ Vagabond N7
Denisa Nenova is a yoga alliance certified advance yoga teacher. She has been practising yoga for over 10 years and teaching for 6. Denisa started practising Kung fu at the age of 7 and yoga at the age of 13. Over the years her practice has been deeply influenced by integral Hatha yoga, Anusara yoga, Donna Farhi , Rod Striker and Scaravelli and Iyanger yoga.
Her method of teaching fuses strong physical work and alignment with a meditative state of being and deep connection with the breath and its transformative power. The focus falls on developing a crystal clear sharp and alert mind so the practice of asana transcends beyond the body and offers the practitioner a chance for a deeper insight into inner anchor and inner organic being. Masterly of breath pinpoints every single movement from the smallest gesture to the biggest movement.
Denisa’s wish is to inspire those who come to the mat to “gather faith, determination and courage to go beyond you own boundaries and limitation and dive deep within the immensity of the Self realised and perceived through the practice of yoga so Liberation can be not only a theory but a possible reality”
Tuesday evening Sadhana includes:
Meditation Pranayama (breathing excersise) Asana Sadhana Raja yoga (yoga philosophy) Yoga nidra (deep relaxation)
Class would be followed by chai and nibbles.
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